Facebook’s Manage Activity tool will let You Delete and Archive Your Old Posts

Facebook’s Manage Activity tab will have two alternatives – archive and trash. On the off chance that you decide to archive posts, Facebook will essentially turn the privacy setting of those posts into ‘private’, with the goal that no one but you can see them. In the event that you don’t wish to see certain posts by any means, you can decide to junk them. These posts will stay in the trash folder of your Facebook account for the time of 30 days before being erased for all time, with the goal that you can fix these changes if you wish to.

Facebook has announced that they are introducing a new feature called “Manage Activity” which will let you see and deal with your posts in mass. It will also have channels, utilizing which you can locate the sort of posts that you are searching for. These filters will incorporate arranging posts with an individual’s name, and even within particular time ranges.

Facebook is releasing a ‘Manage Activity’ feature on its Android and iOS applications soon. This will make it easier for Facebook users who haven’t tidied up their profiles for a while, and will present the feature on desktop as well as the Facebook Lite application. This could be a significant tool for Facebook’s users. ..

Facebook’s privacy policy is murky. While Facebook says that posts added to the trash will be erased from an individual’s profile everlastingly, it isn’t clear if the equivalent would likewise be erased from all of Facebook consistently, or be kept in its records. The “Manage Activity” tab will be rolled out to Facebook’s users in the coming days, so watch out on your Facebook application’s settings.

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