You can start using Google Assistant with very little effort by using one of the six ready-made routines. But if you want to get creative, you can set up custom Google Assistant routines that carry out a series of any actions Google Assistant is capable of.

  1. Get up and get moving The first step in automating your day is getting up and moving. This will help you get started on your day, and it will also help you avoid getting sick. You can do this by following these six steps: a. Get out of bed early b. Drink plenty of water c. Eat a balanced breakfast d. Take a walk or take a nap e. Get organized f. Make a list of things to do

How To Access Google Assistant Routines

To access the Google Assistant routines, open the Google Assistant app on your phone and tap the compass icon at the lower right corner of the screen.

In the Explore window, tap your profile photo at the upper right corner and select Settings from the drop-down menu.On the Settings screen, tap the Assistant tab and then select Routines.On the Google Assistant Routines screen, you’ll see all of the ready-made routines you can start using right away.

Ready-Made Google Assistant Routines

  1. “Hey Google, play music from my phone”
  2. “Hey Google, ask for directions”
  3. “Hey Google, play a song from my phone”
  4. “Hey Google, ask for a list of things to do”
  5. “Hey Google, show me a list of things to do in the next few minutes”

Good morning: Say “Good morning”, “Tell me about my day”, or “I’m up”.Bedtime: Say “Bedtime”, “Good night”, or “Time to hit the hay”.Leaving home: Just say “I’m leaving”, or “I’m heading out”. I’m home: Say “I’m home” or “I’m back”. Let’s go to work: Say “Let’s go to work”.

  1. “Hey Google” This routine starts with the voice command “Hey Google.” After saying this, you can ask the assistant questions or receive information. The assistant will respond with information about what you asked and how it relates to other tasks that are currently running. You can also use this routine to start a conversation with the assistant.

Good Morning Routine

The Ready-made menu of routines offers a variety of configurations, including the Good morning routine. This routine is configured with a few simple steps that can help you start your day off right.

  1. The person’s heart rate increases, which can be a sign of stress or anxiety.
  2. The person may start to perspire, which can also be a sign of stress or anxiety.
  3. The person may feel an adrenaline rush, which can be a sign of stress or anxiety.
  4. The person may become more agitated and might try to leave the room or scream out in pain or anger.

You can enable more actions in your morning routine by reading this list of actions.

To adjust your smart devices in your home, you can use the Google Home app or the Google Home Mini. You can also adjust your thermostat using the Google Nest app. You can create a “scene” by grouping together compatible smart light bulbs. You can also hear your day’s agenda and any reminders you’ve asked Google Assistant to remember using the Google Calendar and Google Assistant apps, respectively. Finally, you can adjust media volume using the media controls on your phone or speaker. ..

You can use the Google Assistant to do any custom action you would with a regular Google search.

This routine can play music, news, a radio station, podcasts, an audiobook, or nothing.

Bedtime Routine

The Bedtime routine is a set of routines that are designed to help you sleep better at night.

  1. The person’s heart rate increases, which can be a sign of stress or anxiety.
  2. The person may start to perspire, which can also be a sign of stress or anxiety.
  3. The person may feel an adrenaline rush, which can be a sign of stress or anxiety.
  4. The person may become more agitated and might try to leave the room or scream out in pain or anger.

You can enable additional actions by clicking on the gear icon in the top left corner of the screen. This will open a menu with several options, including:

  • Change the language of the document
  • Change the font size and typeface
  • Set a margin for text

Your first calendar event is a breakfast meeting with your boss. You adjust your smart home devices, set up a scene using your smart light bulbs, and arm your security system. Then you adjust your phone’s media volume to listen to music or watch a movie.

This is a simple but powerful routine that can be customized to your needs. After all actions are finished, you can configure this routine to play music, sleep sounds, or nothing.

Leaving Or Arriving Home Routines

The Leaving home routine is a set of routines that are designed to help you leave your home safely and soundly. This article will explore how this routine is configured and what benefits it can provide.

  • Leaving home without leaving a note
  • Leaving home with a note
  • Leaving home with a gift
  • Leaving home with a message

Adjust your smart devices to save energy and money. Adjust your smart thermostat to save on heating and cooling costs. Adjust your smart bulb themes to create a more comfortable environment. Arm your security system and lock your doors for added security. ..

Add media to enable any of the media options you like.

Google Assistant can now play music when you tell it you’re home, just like the I’m Home routine. You can also add any of the same actions available in the Leaving home routine, as well as a few extras. ..

When you arrive home, your Google Home speakers will broadcast “I’m home.” You can also ask Google Assistant to remind you when you arrived home. ..

You can play any type of media source you like, but you should consider which one is best for the story you want to tell.

Commuting to Work Routine

The Ready-made menu of routines offers a variety of options for commuting to work. The Commuting to work routine offers a way to commute quickly and easily.

  1. Enable automatic backups
  2. Enable automatic updates
  3. Enable automatic security scans
  4. Enable remote access This routine has all of the following actions enabled by default:
  5. The routine will automatically back up your data; 2. The routine will automatically update your software; 3. The routine will automatically scan your computer for viruses and other malware; 4. You can remotely access the routine to manage it from any computer with internet access ..

-Send an email notification when a new comment is posted -Enable push notifications for new comments -Enable email notifications for new comments and replies -Enable social media notifications for new comments and replies You can enable any of the following to be notified when a new comment is posted: -Email notification -Push notification -Social media notification ..

Google Calendar will remind you of important events for the day, and can also be used to adjust devices in your home. Additionally, you can set your phone’s media volume. ..

You can choose to listen to music or any of the media options you’d like while commuting to work.

Commuting Home Routine

The Ready-made menu of routines offers a variety of options for commuting home. The Commuting home routine offers a simple and effective way to commute home without any fuss.

The routine has all of the following actions enabled by default, but you can disable them if you want to.

-Send an email notification when a new comment is posted -Enable push notifications for new comments -Enable email notifications for new comments and replies -Enable social media notifications for new comments and replies You can enable any of the following to be notified when a new comment is posted: -Email notification -Push notification -Social media notification ..

I’m on my way home. All Google Home speakers at my house should be turned on, and the thermostat should be set to the desired temperature. I also want to adjust the media volume on my phone.

You can choose to listen to music or any of the media options you’d like while commuting home.

Creating Custom Google Assistant Routines

Once you have added your new routine, you can start using it by selecting it from the list of routines.

  1. The first part is the default, which is to wake up at 7am and work until 5pm.
  2. The second part is to work from home for a certain amount of time each day, then take a break for an hour or so before going back to work.
  3. The third part is to work from home for a certain amount of time each night, then take a break for an hour or so before going back to work.

Trigger a specific command word or day and time. Add all of the actions you want to occur when you speak the command word. Add any media you want to play when you speak the command word.

When you select Add action, you can add any actions that are supported by the long list of Google Assistant voice commands. ..

If you don’t know many Google Assistant commands, you can browse the popular actions tab to find commands that are common to all of your custom Google Assistant routines. You’ll find three pages of actions that you can add to any of your custom routines.

When you select Add media, you can add media from a variety of sources. You can select from music, news, radio stations, podcasts, audiobooks, or sleep sounds.

Some of these will require you to configure your preferred media sources from third party sources that are compatible with Google Assistant.

There are nine pre-configured sleep sounds available, from rain and ocean to forest sounds or just plain white noise.

Google Assistant can be programmed to do just about anything for you, at any time of day. By combining voice commands with all of these actions and media, you can create routines that do everything from setting alarms to ordering food. ..