You can split a clip into two parts by selecting the Clip > Split command and then choosing the first part of the clip to split. You can also select the Clip > Merge command to combine the two parts into a single clip.

Method 1: Using the Razor Tool

The Razor tool is a great way to cut or split clips in Premiere. It allows you to split clips at any point in the clip you want, right from the project timeline. The only downside is that it can be less precise, but it’s a good way to do a first rough cut of your clips.

You can now delete the part of the clip you don’t want, or add effects and transitions to either clip portion without it affecting the other part. Splitting a clip in the timeline also won’t affect the original clip from the Project panel, so if you want the entire clip again you can simply find it there and place it in the timeline again.

Method 2: Using the Source Panel

To split a clip in Adobe Premiere, you can use the Source panel to preview the clip before putting it in the timeline. This is more precise as you can change the in and out points of the clip you want.

  1. Choose the clip from the Project panel you want to split so it comes up in the Source panel.
  2. Follow these steps:
  3. Choose the clip from the Project panel you want to split so it comes up in the Source panel.
  4. Follow these steps:

This is a great way to be precise when editing videos, as you can watch the clip frame-by-frame and place the In and Out marker at these specific points. It also won’t affect the original clip from the Project panel, just like the other method. And, you won’t have to deal with the remnants of cut-up clips cluttering your timeline.

How to Delete Part of a Clip

If you used the Razor method, you will likely want to clean up those pieces of the clip that you don’t want in your project. To do this, you’ll just want to delete the part of the clip. Don’t worry though, if you later realize you want part of the clip back, you can just go into your Media library and find the original clip again to put in the timeline.

  1. Cut and paste the clip into a new text document.
  2. Delete the clip by selecting it and pressing the Delete key.

Splitting a Clip in Adobe Premiere Pro

With these methods, getting the perfect cut of a clip is very easy to achieve. Over time these techniques will become second nature, as they are some of the most often used tools during a video project.