To link two presentations together, you will need to first open the first presentation. Then, go to the “Slides” tab and select the second presentation. Finally, click on the “Link Slides” button. ..

Step 2: Click on the Hyperlink button. This will take you to a new page with the object you just hyperlinked to. Step 3: Paste the text or clipart you used for your hyperlink into the text field and click on the Edit tab. You can change the color, font, and size of the text if you want. Step 4: Click on the OK button to create your link.

Step 3: In the hyperlink dialog box, click on the link you want to create. The file will be added to your computer’s hard drive and you will be able to access it from any computer.

In a recent study, researchers found that people who are more creative have better mental health. They also found that creativity is not just a matter of thinking outside the box; it’s also about being able to see things from different perspectives and coming up with new ideas. The study’s lead author, Dr. Jiankang Zhao, said that creativity is not just about coming up with new ideas; it’s also about seeing things from different perspectives and coming up with new ideas. The study found that people who are more creative have better mental health because they’re able to focus on multiple tasks at once and are able to come up with new solutions to problems.

To bookmark a document:

  1. Click on the Bookmark button located on the right hand side of the dialog box.
  2. This button will open another window where you can select the location you wish to jump to in the linked document. ..

If you are linking to a PowerPoint presentation, it will display the slide you are currently viewing. To move to the next slide, press the left or right arrow key. To return to the previous slide, press the up or down arrow key. ..

  1. Click on the “Close” button to close the document.
  2. Click on the “Save” button to save your changes.

To test the link, open a new window and paste the following into it: Step 6: Click on the link to see the results. The link works as expected.

If you want to use a portion of a different presentation in your own, but don’t want to make your presentation very long, using the ‘Reuse Presentation’ feature can be helpful. It’s also useful if you want to tailor your presentation to different audiences. ..

Some people might not need the additional information that you provide in your presentation, so you can go through it without clicking on the hyperlink.

When you link to another slide in a different presentation, all slides after the linked slide will be shown in the second presentation before returning to the next slide in the original presentation. ..

The link you clicked was not found.

You can also use the “copy” button to copy the bookmark name or named range.

#MyBookmark1 MyBookmark2

If you want to quickly open a link in a presentation, you can name your bookmark “Word at the exact location.”

In Excel, select the cells and then press Tab to move to the next cell.

When you click on the link, Excel will open and the entire range will be automatically selected. You don’t have to go around trying to search for it.

Overall, the hyperlink feature is pretty useful if you have a presentation that would be supplemented with links out to data or supporting documents. If you have any questions, post a comment. Enjoy! ..